
Phoenix Courses were piloted for 2yrs through the LEP Innovation Fund – January 2016-2018. Due to their success RNT has managed to secure lottery funding until mid 2024.

RNTs innovative training programme is based around the interests/hobbies of locally unemployed residents held in welcoming, safe and informal settings. Working in tandem with Job Search this method allows those who are looking for work to access training and those on training courses to access support into employment. Our informal and relevant approach, of demonstrating ‘real life’ applications, has proved successful. Through our links to local businesses, and voluntary organisations, participants see that their learning relates to real job/volunteering opportunities. Businesses also acknowledge the benefit of developing local people for local jobs.

RNT also recognises the need for people to come together to reduce the incidents of isolation and loneliness. Therefore, we also offer leisure workshops that bring all sectors of our community together.

For details of current courses please visit our Ramsey Timebank or Jobsearch Facebook pages.
