The Promoting Ramsey Project has established branding and the Discover Ramsey website www.discoverramsey.co.uk and the Promotions Officer developed a programme of activities to bring people into the parish. We have helped organise twice yearly Heritage Open Days and a regular forum which promotes our heritage. We were successful in securing further funding from the lottery’s Heritage Fund to continue to develop our holistic heritage offer called ‘Ramsey: A Journey Through Time’. This has now ended but the legacy continues through the ‘Ramsey Heritage Partnership’, a CIO which has been established to raise funds and coordinate events.

The Things We Do or Fund to Make a Difference (Activities)
- Build on the initial branding, website and marketing within the Promoting Ramsey Project
- Develop and or support Ramsey’s tourist attractions
- Build links with other tourist attractions (such as Great Fen) and strategic bodies to tie Ramsey in with the sub-region
- Develop and or support events/projects that protect/promote our cultural heritage (especially for young people)
- Town centre events/activities – to bring people into the town to support local businesses
- Work with the Town Council and other organisations to find ways of sustaining ‘Promoting Ramsey’ and the ‘Discover Ramsey’ brand.

The Differences
We Want to Make
- Local businesses have a stronger customer base
- Ramsey has a stronger and more distinctive tourism offer
- Young people are more aware of and interested in our local history and culture/crafts
- Our local traditions and heritage are better safeguarded/celebrated
- Our town centre is more attractive
- Our town centre is both better cared for and better used
- There is more pride in our area
- Better linkages with tourism / tourist destinations across the Fens
Long-term Change
(End Goals)
We have a thriving economic and cultural life that benefits local people, visitors and future generations